Empirical data discovered through focus group interviews

Kenya - 2022

156 women interviewed - 4 Locations

Kawangware, Kibera, Rongai, Africa Nazarene University

94.7 % of interviewees personally know women and girls who trade sex for pads.

“Your vagina is your bank. It’s so painful. It’s discouraging. I want to tell men to help girls but not take advantage of girls. Don’t ask for sex.”

“Periods reach every household”

“Can it be mandatory for every child to access a pad?”

“I sometimes share one pad with my sister each menses”

“If the government can give books, can’t they give pads?”

“Can girls have priority over condoms?”

Products used for managing blood:

  • rags, old clothes, blankets

  • mattress filling

  • toilet paper

  • tampons, pads, cotton wool